# Terraform release code churn ## OKR Increase the amount of code churn Rhys must do for each major Terraform release enough that Rhys notices and knows where it comes from. Key deliverable as one (1) rant in any channel in tunnelco. ### Record of Deliverables #### Terraform 0.13 recorded on 2021-11-18 Regarding mandatory `required_providers` ``` rhys 6:03 PM @pd sigh. i cant take it seriously 6:07 PM idunno man maybe python is the way 6:07 maybe dep management is just… no 6:07 its all wrong 6:08 cp is my dep manager, i take a tarball of the computer filesystem and ship it 6:08 “i download code i need and compile into a container that runs company terraform and im responsible for integrating it and making it all work” was much better ```
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