JavaScript is an abomination - packrat386 Add more spice. - Gata Everything is terrible and nothing will ever be okay. - Coolin The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. - :uncle-ted: Being blocked means that you literally can't do anything, not that you haven't figured it out yet. - Coolin [Miguel] Spinnaker integration with Okta/SAML, Jenkins, GitHub, Pipeline as Code, Native blue/green & Canary, ECS Fargate/EC2 support, Chaos Engineering tools, multi-cloud, Netflix battle-tested history gives me reason to believe it would be a great CD candidate. The core challenge Spinnaker in my opinion is the lacking support for Deploying Serverless Lambda Functions out of the box and whenever you have to manage infra it could introduce some challenges same way when using any custom tool you have to deploy on your own. I have seen something along the lines of foremast on Spinnaker side but where CodeDeploy shines is the native support for both ECS Fargate/ECS and Lambda blue/green & Canary deploys! Would definitely be exiting to POC on this! Sounds like it's too late for you now, but the One Weird Trick to converting counties speedily is to take as many unlanded male captives of the enemy religion as possible during the war. Then release them from prison in exchange for Recruit and a Hook (NOT conversion yet). Then give them the county you just took and THEN use the hook to demand conversion. They will almost always accept and when they do if their religion matches that of the county, the whole county will instantly convert as well.